Scope of the personal data protection policy

This personal data protection policy covers any data processing that may occur when browsing or interacting with any of our WEB pages or the social networks in which we may have a presence (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) . At the end of this document, special information is specified in the case of the use of social networks. It will also apply to any internal company procedures that require the collection of data, whether on paper forms or any other system.In any of these media, you can consult information, and in some cases fill in forms, answer surveys, participate in contests, make inquiries, send photographs, make comments, etc. … and therefore provide us with personal data information. All treatments are subject to our privacy policy.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, inform you that the personal data you provide us will be processed by BRICOCERAMIC, S.A. , with registered office at Ctra. N-II, KM 710 17458 Fornells de la Selva, CIF: A17673310, Tlf: 972 47 54 00 and mail .

What processing do we do with your personal data?

Treatment CLIENTS
Purpose Manage customer orders
Data Categories Customers
Data Identifying data: Name, surname, ID, address, phone, email
Legitimation Contractual relationship.
Provenance From the person concerned
Recipients The ones foreseen by regulations
Conservation time The ones foreseen by regulations
International transfers No international data transfer


Treatment INFO
Purpose Respond to requests for information that are received on the web
Data Categories People requesting information.
Data First name, surname, email and telephone
Legitimation Request for information
Provenance From the person concerned
Recipients Data is not shared.
Conservation time The necessary to solve the request for information
International transfers No international data transfer


Purpose Sending information about the company’s products.
Data Categories People requesting information.
Data First name, surname, email and telephone
Legitimation Consent. This can be revoked at any time.
Provenance From the person concerned
Recipients Data is not shared.
Keeping time</