Welcome to the WEB page of BRICOCERAMIC, S.A.

Next, we explain the conditions of use of the WEB page. Browsing this WEB page gives you the user role of the same and therefore accepts the clauses detailed in this document.


In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, it is reported that .

BRICOCERAMIC, S.A. with CIF: A17673310, figure registered in the GIRONA MERCHANT REGISTER, VOLUME 1.690, SHEET 174, SHEET GI-28.130.


The user undertakes to make appropriate and lawful use of this WEB as well as the contents and services, in accordance with the legislation applicable at any given time, morals and generally accepted good customs and public order.

It is prohibited to carry out, therefore, any action that could cause alterations to the contents of this WEB or a malfunction of the same, including the introduction of a virus or similar.< /span>


The pages of the WEB and the information or elements they contain, including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, which represent graphics, databases, videos and also logos, brands, commercial names or other distinctive signs, are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, of which BRICOCERAMIC, owned or with legitimate licenses.

Any mode of exploitation, including any type of reproduction, or distribution, transfer to third parties, public communication and transformation, through any type of support and medium, is prohibited, without the prior and express authorization.


Our intention is to provide a website that provides continuous and quality operation.

However, we inform you that we cannot guarantee continued access, and that you may encounter interruptions or stops due to factors or circumstances beyond our control.

BRICOCERAMIC, not responsible for the information and other content integrated in third-party spaces or web pages accessible through links, hyperlinks or links.

BRICOCERAMIC, not responsible for any damage that may arise, among others, from:

  • Interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, telephone breakdowns, delays, blockages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, caused by deficiencies, overloads and errors in telecommunications lines and networks
  • Intrusions through the use of malicious programs of any kind and through any means of communication.
  • Inappropriate use of this WEBSITE.
  • Errors caused by a malfunction of the browser or by the use of non-updated versions of the same.


The user, in case of damages caused by an illegal or inappropriate use of this WEB, may be claimed for damages and prejudices.

In addition, the user will be liable for damages, which arise from the use of “robots”, “spiders”, … or similar tools used to collect or extract data or any other action on your part that imposes a burden to decrease the operation of the WEB.


For the resolution of any conflict that may arise as a result of the visit to our WEB we advise you to contact our company directly through the contact details we provide, and present the case, with the aim of reaching an amicable agreement for both parties.

Otherwise, the applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any matter related to the services and products of this portal, it will be Spanish law.

Our company and the User agree to submit to the Judges and Courts of the User’s domicile, as long as the User is located in Spanish territory and acts as a consumer.</ span>